
EU aims for 'fair and just' green transition: von der Leyen

State of the Union speech to the European Parliament

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA-AFP) - STRASBOURG, SEP 13 - The EU aims for a "fair and just transition" to a carbon-neutral future, balancing the climate change fight with the concerns of business and farmers, European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen said Wednesday. In her annual State of the Union speech to the European Parliament, she said Brussels will be "supporting European industry", while adding that the bloc will "fast-track" permits for wind-power installations.
    EU chief Ursula von der Leyen said on Wednesday that inflation in the eurozone, which remains persistently high, will not quickly fall to the European Central Bank's two-percent target. "We know that returning to the ECB's medium-term target will take some time," she said during a speech at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, but welcomed falling energy prices.
    The annual rate of inflation in the eurozone reached 5.3 percent in August. (ANSA-AFP).

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