
Go!2025, countdown to cross-border capital

Slovenia invested 70 million. Strong message to Europe

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - GORIZIA, 01 GEN - Thirteen years after Maribor, in 2025 Slovenia will have, for the second time in its history, the privilege of hosting the European Capital of Culture: the chosen city is Nova Gorica, which will carry out its promotional events in cooperation with the Italian city of Gorica. "The CEC project represents a great opportunity for the development of a common cross-border space," recalled Slovenian Mayor Samo Turel, "That is why, in the year just ended, all the necessary coordination was carried out to start the infrastructural part of the project, which includes the redevelopment of the area along the border at the Transalpina station, the meeting point between the two cities.Over the next two years, several major investments are planned in the area in cooperation with the Ljubljana government: the construction of an exhibition facility and a space dedicated to gastronomy, the renovation of the Transalpina Square and the Villa Lasciac, as well as the railway station building itself. A green belt will be created along the border as a meeting place for Nova Gorica and Gorica residents and visitors. On the Slovenian side alone, more than 70 million euros will be invested by the government and the municipality in infrastructure related to the CEC project." "Europe, by awarding the title of European Capital to "Go!2025," has understood the message of peace and dialogue that comes from this border, and we are very grateful for that," was echoed by the mayor of Gorizia, Rodolfo Ziberna. "But perhaps it is not enough. We live in a difficult and complex historical period.And so we would like "Go! 2025" to become a moment of strong reflection on the future.We ask that top European leaders promote international meetings on major issues in this territory, as urged recently by Fvg Region President Massimiliano Fedriga." (ANSA).

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