
Mattarella and Pahor to receive honorary degree on April 12

They shook hands in 2020 at the foiba of Basovizza

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - TRIESTE, 30 MAR - The University of Trieste has announced a ceremony to confer honorary doctoral degrees in law on the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, and the former President of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor.
    The ceremony will be held on April 12 in the Aula Magna. The Trieste University reported.
    Rector Roberto Di Lenarda announced the award in December during the academic year's opening ceremony. Di Lenarda emphasized the university's role as "a bridge between East and West, a hinge and dialogue between civilizations and the healing of scars that history has left on our peoples. This historically arduous path of reconciliation will culminate precisely in the university's centennial year with the conferring of honorary degrees" on Mattarella and Pahor.
    In July 2020, on the occasion of the handing back of the Narodni dom to the Slovenian community, the two presidents met in Trieste and shook hands in front of the foiba of Basovizza as a sign of reconciliation. (ANSA).

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