
270,000 checked at Slovenian border: Italy's Int' min

2,200 irregular migrants were identified since October

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - BELGRADE, MAR 21 - Since October 21, when controls were reintroduced at the Italian-Slovenian border, Italian police officers have checked approximately 270,000 people and 150,000 vehicles at the entrance, "using methods that avoided critical traffic issues on the road." Furthermore, 2,200 irregular migrants were identified, with over 1,330 being rejected. 118 people were arrested, 65 of whom were charged with aiding illegal immigration, and 29 were added to a police database. Matteo Piantedosi, the Italian Minister of the Interior, revealed the information during a trilateral meeting in Brdo, Slovenia, with his Slovenian counterpart Bostjan Poklukar and his Croatian counterpart Davor Bozinovic. (ANSA).

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