
Meloni to lift controls at Slovenian border, 'as soon as we can'

Italy's PM 'It is not our intention to maintain them'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, 08 MAR - "It is an issue on which we are very pragmatic; we are talking about it very often with the Slovenian authorities; when we resumed border controls, it was a very particular time, we must, with pragmatism, assess what the critical issues are, but as I have already told Prime Minister Plenkovic, as soon as we meet the necessary conditions it is not in our intentions to maintain them." Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said this on the sidelines of the Ortogiardino fair in Pordenone, responding to those who asked her about the Slovenian wish to reopen the borders before the summer. (ANSA).

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