
Slovakia's interim government resigns

Banker Ludovit Odor to lead interim Slovak government

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA-AFP) - BRATISLAVA, MAY 8 - Slovakia's Prime Minister Eduard Heger said Sunday he has tendered the resignation of his caretaker government amid a rumbling political crisis. MPs in the EU and NATO member country toppled Heger's four-party coalition government in a vote of no confidence in December.

Since then, an interim government led by Heger has been running the country until fresh elections are held on September 30. "I have asked the president to revoke my mandate," Heger told reporters. He promised to coordinate his decisions with President Zuzana Caputova, who he is due to meet later on Sunday. "I will leave it to the president to try to bring Slovakia to free and democratic elections with an interim government," Heger said. The political crisis in the country of 5.4 million deepened this week. On Thursday, Agriculture Minister Samuel Vlcan announced his resignation after a case involving a 1.4-million-euro ($1.6 million) subsidy to his company. On Friday, Foreign Minister Rastislav Kacer also said he planned to leave the government, without specifying why.

Deputy governor of Slovakia's central bank, Ludovit Odor, 46, was tapped as the country's prime minister on Sunday tasked with leading an interim administration, President Zuzana Caputova announced. "I will nominate an interim government led by Ludovit Odor, deputy governor of the National Bank of Slovakia," she told reporters after talks with outgoing prime minister Eduard Heger, who announced his resignation earlier on Sunday.


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