
MP and representative of Romanians abroad in Ascoli Piceno

Meeting with the mayor and a Ugl delegation on labor issues

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ASCOLI PICENO, 02 MAR - "We need to reduce taxation on labor. The entrepreneur, in this way, could hire more and increase wages. The Romanian community is also important here." Thus Valentin Fagarasian, deputy of the Romanian Parliament and representative of Romanians abroad who made a stop in the Marche region in Ascoli Piceno where he met with a delegation from the Ugl union in Ascoli (union representative Carlo Narcisi and Anna Maria Valeria Conea, newly elected head of the Ugl women's coordination in Ascoli): on the table were the main issues affecting the Piceno region such as safety in the workplace.
    Fagarasian then had a meeting with Ascoli Mayor Marco Fioravanti. "We invite Mayor Fioravanti to visit us in Romania," Faragasian said again, "A twinning with one of our cities could also be done. I also recommend including some Romanian citizens in the lists for the next municipal elections, an experiment already done in other Italian cities." "An international relations office could be created in the city to pursue projects in other countries and initiate partnerships, as in the case of our recent trip to Albania. One can initiate not only twinning, but also memoranda of understanding for cultural exchanges among young people." (ANSA).

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