
In Ancona Meeting Regional Organizations Southeast Europe

Adriatic Ionian Cities Forum, working on 2024 projects. With Ice

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ANCONA, 06 DIC - The Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Cities (Faic) "is preparing a work plan for the presentation of projects that will see their launch during 2024 and will involve young people, adults, institutions, partners and all the different stakeholders present in the different regions. It is important not to disperse past experiences and to work concretely with European and regional guidelines for the spillover of results to the territories." This was said by Faic Secretary General and Ancona City Councilor with responsibility for the Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion, Anna Maria Bertini, during the 17th edition of the Southeast Europe Regional Organizations Coordination Meeting, organized in Ancona by the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative.
    Participants included Ambassador Lazar Comanescu, secretary general Black Sea Economic Cooperation; deputy secretary general Nina Kodelja, Central European Initiative; Pranvera Kastrati, Regional Cooperation Council; Ambassador Giovanni Castellaneta, secretary general Adriatic Ionian Initiative; Ambassador Fabio Pigliapoco, heading the Iai permanent secretariat: Andrea Perna of Uniadrion (Forum of Universities) and Eleonora Tramanoni of the Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce.
    Bertini recalled the "long history and deep roots" of Faic, founded in 1999 at the initiative of the national Anci and the Municipality of Ancona.Faic intends to focus on "listening to and valuing young people, acting as the bearer of their needs in the knowledge that they represent the future." "Today we highlighted the work of contact with civil society that takes place through the Fora," noted Ambassador Castellaneta.
    "Collaborating and creating contacts with civil society is fundamental: with UniAdrion, the network of Adriatic and Ionian Universities and the Forum of Chambers of Commerce, with the regional strategy of the Adriatic Ionian Initiative, we create an important synergy. Ancona is also home to the current president of the Forum of Chambers of Commerce, Gino Sabatini, president of Camera Marche, who called the meeting "a contribution to our cross-border strategy." (ANSA).

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