
Fedriga, let's boost industrial partnership with the Balkans

'To reconnect with Western Europe pieces of the supply chain'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - PORDENONE, 02 FEB - "It is important to strengthen our industrial partnership with the Balkans to bring back to Western Europe pieces of the supply chain that are fundamental to our economy, which has unfortunately been delegated to the Far East in recent decades. The decision-making keys of production processes cannot be handed over to third countries with little to do with democracy." That is what the governor of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Massimiliano Fedriga, said at the Trans-Adriatic Business Forum "An Italy-Serbia Partnership for Prosperity in the Balkans" underway in Pordenone.
    "That is why the intensification of trade relations with Serbia is an opportunity not only for FVG and Italy but for the whole of Europe - he pointed out - here we are talking about a fundamental part of our future, where the more robust the network of relations between the countries, the more the democratic principles and freedom in which we believe will be safeguarded, both for Western Europe and for the Balkans themselves." "The Balkan area - the governor remarked - can be a crucial platform to bring us closer to that part of components that cannot be produced in Europe, as it has low added value and is not economically sustainable, but is an essential cog in industrial processes.
    According to Fedriga, "It is not enough to rely on mutual opportunities: creating a unified structure that provides privileged lines of access to each other's markets is necessary.
    In this context, FVG is also called upon to build a production system that looks forward to the coming decades." (ANSA).

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