
Belgrade protests over Bregovic's denied entry to Moldova

Foreign Minister Dacic demands explanation from Chisinau

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - BELGRADE, 20 AGO - Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has asked the Moldovan Foreign Ministry to clarify the reason for Chisinau authorities' refusal today to allow Goran Bregovic, who was scheduled to perform with his band tonight at the local Guitar Musiv Festival, to enter Moldova. Quoted by media in Belgrade, Dacic stigmatized this restrictive decision, which, he noted, is not in line with the traditionally friendly relations between Serbia and Moldova. It is a decision, he added, that has provoked extremely negative reactions in Serbia.
    Bregovic, the foreign minister said, has performed and given concerts all over the world, and in no country has he ever had such problems. Goran Bregovic was refused entry to Moldova after the well-known musician arrived by plane at Chisinau airport. No reasons were given for the decision. (ANSA).

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