
Moldova begins process to join EU Civil Protection mechanism

Brussels sending 36 power generators from rescEU energy reserve

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - BELGRADE, APR 28 - Moldova is beginning the process of joining the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, which supports countries during crises and disasters. The Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, presented Moldova with a pathway document during his visit to the country. Moldova has previously benefited from the Mechanism during large-scale displacement caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Once Moldova joins, it will be able to offer solidarity and assistance to other countries. Due to its dependence on Ukraine's electricity systems, Moldova has occasionally experienced blackouts as a result of Russia's shelling of Ukraine's energy infrastructure. The EU is sending 36 power generators from its rescEU energy reserve to Moldova, which will be distributed to 30 hospitals across the country. (ANSA).

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