
Loperfido to Kurti, Italy alongside Kosovo

Confirmed commitment to normalization of relations with Serbia

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - TRIESTE, 02 MAG - "Italy stands by Kosovo, from day one, so that the ongoing normalization process with Serbia is completed soon. Our country, led by Giorgia Meloni, sees as a priority the entry of the Western Balkans into the EU, a goal that has as its pivotal and indispensable points peace, coexistence between peoples and linguistic minorities, stability, cooperation and the resulting prosperity." this is the message that the Honorable Emanuele Loperfido (FdI), as representative of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Chamber, together with the head of delegation Lia Quartapelle, Ambassador Antonello De Riu, brought to the meeting in Pristina with Prime Minister Albin Kurti. "A frank and cordial meeting, in which we reiterated the position of the Italian government, which has been supporting Kosovo since day one with the NATO-led KFOR, whose command will soon return to Italy, and the Msu Carabinieri," he added, "It is a process that still needs time.
    Everyone must do their part, to help achieve goals of peaceful coexistence, and respect and fulfillment of EU parameters and dossiers." "The stable Balkans and Europe," Loperfido reiterated, "represent a strategic goal of the government: we consider them natural interlocutors that can become increasingly significant in trade with all EU countries. Italy is definitely in the front row, with Friuli Venezia Giulia that can become a key player in this process, thanks to its geographical location, the goodness of its socioeconomic fabric and business vocation." (ANSA).

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