
Migrants not fleeing war but aim at welfare: Milanovic

"The Croatian border is sacred," said Croatia's President

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - BELGRADE, MAR 20 - "Croatia is currently dealing with migration issues. But today, these are not migrants like in 2015; everything has changed because now migrants come here with a bill and only want to receive social assistance," said Croatian President Zoran Milanovic on Facebook today. "Those fleeing persecution, war, or genocide should be protected; however, today's migrants do not flee because of this. "These people are here illegally and should be treated as such," Milanovic said. "The Croatian border is sacred; people died for it during the war, people rose up in resistance, and brigades were formed to determine what is ours. Let us help those in need, but most importantly, we must protect the Croatian people," he concluded. (ANSA).

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