
Meloni to stand in European elections (2)

'Write Giorgia on your ballot papers' says premier

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 29 - Premier Giorgia Meloni has announced that she will stand as a candidate for her right-wing Brothers of Italy (FdI) party in June's European elections.
    "If you want to tell me that you still believe in me, write Giorgia on the ballot, because I am, and always will be, one of you," Meloni told a party event in Pescara on Sunday.
    "Power will not change me, the palace (of power) will not isolate me.
    "I am proud to be one of the people".
    Meloni has no intention of actually taking up a seat in the European Parliament, but will forego it and continue to lead the government and her party in Italy and represent FdI in the Italian Lower House The logic is that, by standing, her profile will attract voters.
    She has said FdI is aiming to win around 26% of the vote, the same level of obtained in the 2022 general election that thrust her to power.
    She said her aim was also to force the Left "into opposition in Europe too".
    She joked about Deputy Premier, Transport Minister and League leader Matteo Salvini's failure to attend Sunday's event, saying he preferred 'the bridge', the Italian term for taking extra days off to have a long break that connects a national holiday to the nearest weekend.
    Last Thursday was the Liberation Day national holiday in Italy and Wednesday is May Day. (ANSA).

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