
Meloni tells Stoltenberg NATO should focus on southern flank

PM expects concrete decisions at July summit says Chigi

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 8 - Premier Giorgia Meloni told visiting NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at her office in Rome Wednesday that the Alliance should address challenges on its southern flank, the PM's office at Palazzo Chigi said in a statement.
    "At the centre of the talks were the topical issues of the Atlantic agenda in the context of the preparations for the NATO summit in Washington in July", Chigi said.
    Meloni "in particular reiterated Italy's expectation that concrete decisions could be taken in Washington in response to the challenges characterising the southern flank, in line with the 360-degree approach to Euro-Atlantic security envisaged by NATO's Strategic Concept". (ANSA).

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