
More focused on cyber attacks than FT scenario - Tajani

We have the means to defend ourselves says foreign minister

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 6 - Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said Monday that government is more focused on the Russian cyber attacks Italy has already come under than the scenario depicted by a Financial Times report saying that Moscow is preparing violent acts of sabotage on European infrastructure.
    "I'm thinking more about cybernetic attacks than the risk of attacks from Russia like the Financial Times says," Tajani told Mediaset television.
    "We have suffered cybernetic attacks.
    "For example when (Ukraine President Volodymyr) Zelensky's plane landed at Ciampino (airport in Rome last year), there was a cybernetic attack on the foreign ministry website.
    "There are always attacks but they are always repelled because we are on alert and we are equipped to defend ourselves.
    "A cybernetic attack is one thing, a military one is another".

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