
G7 commits to phasing out coal by 2035 in Turin

Agreement reached at meeting of environment/energy ministers

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 30 - The G7 countries have committed to "gradually elimination coal-generated energy during the first half of the 2030s or in a period consistent with keeping the temperature increase within a degree and a half" read the final document of the meeting on G7 environment, energy and climate ministers in Turin.
    The G7 pledged to push for an end to the approval of new coal-fired electricity plants at the global level as soon as possible too.
    It group also committed to supporting "the tripling of global renewable energy capacity and strengthening energy security by increasing system flexibility through demand response, grid strengthening and smart grid deployment, while also contributing to a global energy storage target in the sector energy of 1,500 GW in 2030, a global target of more than six-fold increase from 230 GW in 2022 also through existing objectives and policies".

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