
Coronavirus plane bringing back Italians

One Italian has tested positive on Diamond Princess off Japan

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, February 20 - An Italian military plane is set to bring back 30 of the 35 Italians on board the cruise ship Diamond Princess off Japan amid the coronavirus emergency.
    Five Italian crew including the captain are remaining aboard.
    The ship owners said Thursday that the captain, Gennaro Arma, "is in good health and is leading his team in this extraordinary situation".
    Two foreign nationals aboard the Princess died of the virus Thursday, Japanese TV reported.
    One Italian passenger has tested positive for the deadly virus. He will be brought back on a separate, later biocontainment flight.
    An earlier Italian flight carried medical personnel who examine the Italians. The medical team included two women from Rome's Spallanzani infectious-disease hospital: an anesthetist and a infectivologist.
    Deputy Health Minister Pierpaolo Sileri said that the Italian government flight will bring back 56-57 former passengers on the Diamond Princess cruise ship from Yokohama, including the "30 or so" Italians.
    Sileri told a live broadcast on ANSA's Facebook page on the coronavirus emergency that the government had sent ahead one flight taking health professionals and other experts to Yokohama so they can run tests on the former passengers.
    He said the passengers would be repatriated on a second flight. "When the second flight, which will probably take off from Italy this evening, arrives in Yokohama, the people who are meant to will be brought to Italy," Sileri said.
    "It's about 30 Italians and 26-27 people from other European nationalities, such as Poland, France and Germany, for a total of 56-57 passengers, as they are negative for the coronavirus test". Sileri said the passengers would "probably" get back to Rome on Thursday evening, after which the Europeans would travel to their home countries. There were 35 Italians on the Diamond Princess, including one person who has tested positive for the coronavirus.
    That group also includes some crew members, including the ship's captain, who is set to stay on board for the time being.
    Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio personally wished the medical team a good flight.
    He was accompanied by the head of the civil protection department, Angelo Borrelli, the government's coronavirus commissioner.
    "I assure you we will bring our nationals back to Italy as soon as possible," said Di Maio.
    The Italians on board are awaiting the medical team and may disembark Thursday, sources said.
    The 500 or so passengers on board the Diamond Princess who have tested negative for the virus started disembarking on Wednesday.
    Meanwhile, in China, the number of people who have recovered overtook the number of those newly infected for the first time.
    The death toll rose to 2,004.
    There were another 15 confirmed cases in South Korea, whose credit outlook was cut by Fitch.
    General Motors and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles reopened their plants in China.
    They are gearing to restart production. Two young Italians at Rome's Spallanzani Hospital are both in "excellent conditions of health and mood," the latest medical bulletin from the infectious-disease hospital said Wednesday.
    A young Italian researcher is being treated for the coronavirus.
    He has not been named.
    The second Italian is 17-year-old Niccolò from Grado near Venice.
    He was blocked twice in China because he had a fever.
    Niccolò has come out negative in two coronavirus tests.
    A Chinese couple with the virus are improving but still not out of danger at the hospital.
    Another Italian who landed from another cruise ship in Cambodia is under voluntary quarantine at his home in Sanremo.
    He tested negative for the virus on Wednesday.
    The government is ready to cut its 2020 growth forecast of 0.6% if the impact of the coronavirus is strong, Economy Minister Roberto Gualtieri said Wednesday.
    "If the coronavirus has a significant impact, the +0.6% could be revised downward," he said.
    "If the impact is limited and we manage to implement policies to relaunch the economy, the 0.6% will be reachable, on the other hand". In a best-case scenario, the minister said, growth may even be higher than 0.6% this year.
    The International Monetary Fund said the coronavirus emergency was liable to hit the fragile global economy hard.
    The coronavirus epidemic is set to have a big effect on the Italian economy and will probably push it into recession this year, Nomura said in a report on Monday.
    "Considering the low growth rate that Italy started this year with, we expect the country to go into recession in 2020, with GDP down 0.1% on the previous year (well below the 0.6% rise forecast by the government)," the finance group said.
    It said Italy's GDP could drop 0.9% this year in the worst-case scenario.
    The EU recently cut its Italy growth forecast for this year from 0.4% to 0.3%.

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