
'Safety costs money but life is worth more' says Zuppi

More controls needed, too many low-cost contracts says CEI head

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 18 - Workplace safety costs money but life is worth more than that, the head of the Italian Bishops Conference (CEI), Bologna Archbishop Matteo Zuppi, told Italian TV Sunday after Friday's Florence building site collapse that killed five workers.
    "Anger must become lucidity in order to avoid hypocrisy or rhetorical speeches of easy morality, consequences must be identified and one of the biggest problems is controls, and cost cutting means inventing everything to get the contract," said the papal Ukraine envoy on 'In mezz'ora' on Rai Tre.
    "Safety costs money but life has a value that can never be calculated". (ANSA).

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