
Pope talks anti-crisis measures with Milei in Vatican

'Satisfaction at good relations between Holy See, Buenos Aires'

Redazione Ansa

(see related) (ANSA) - ROME, FEB 12 - Buenos Aires' programme to counter the economic crisis gripping Argentina was among the topics discussed with President Javier Milei during talks at the Secretariat of State, the Holy See said in a statement on Monday.
    "During the cordial talks at the Secretariat of State, (the parties) expressed satisfaction at the good relations between the Holy See and the Argentine Republic and the desire to further strengthen them," read the statement.
    "They then dwelt on the new government's programme to counter the economic crisis," it continued.
    In the meeting with Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin and Secretary for Relations with States Monsignor Paul Richard Gallagher, "a number of international issues were touched upon, in particular current conflicts and the commitment to peace among nations," added the statement.
    Earlier on Monday the Argentine Pope held an hour-long private audience with Milei, having already briefly met with his compatriot after a Mass to canonize Argentina's first female saint, 18th century missionary Mama Antula, at St Peter's Basilica on Sunday.
    The two Argentines have very different outlooks on the world.
    Milei, who won last October's presidential elections in Argentina, is a self-proclaimed "anarcho-capitalist", while Francis is highly critical of the prevailing consumerist economic model, saying it causes inequality, poverty, climate change and environmental devastation.
    Milei will also meet Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni and President Sergio Mattarella on Monday. (ANSA).

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