
Pope to visit Papua New Guinea in August

Working closely with the Apostolic Nuncio's office, says FM

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 25 - Pope Francis is to visit Papua New Guinea in August, the country's foreign minister announced on Thursday.
    Justin Tkatchenko said the government had received an "official note that Pope Francis will visit Papua New Guinea in August" for a three-day visit.
    "We are working closely with the Apostolic Nuncio's office. A team has been assembled and will meet to look into all aspects of the visit," he added.
    The announcement comes just two weeks after deadly riots shook the Papuan capital Port Moresby, which Francis is expected to visit together with one of two coastal cities in the north of the country.
    Papua New Guinea is home to more than nine million Christians - almost the entire population - although most are Protestant and retain many traditional animist or spiritual beliefs.
    The last pope to visit the country was John Paul II in 1995.
    A papal visit was planned for 2020, but was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. (ANSA).

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