
Pope embraces Indi's family, prays for them

Francis's 'thoughts for all world's suffering children' - Bruni

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 11 - Pope Francis is embracing the family of Indi Gregory, an eight-month-old incurably ill British girl whose life support is set to be pulled foiling a bid to get her to a Vatican-owned Rome children's hospital after receiving last-minute Italian citizenship, and the pontiff is praying for them and her, the Vatican said Saturday.
    Pope Francis "embraces the family of little Indi Gregory, her father and mother, prays for them and for her, and turns his thoughts to all the children who in these same hours throughout the world live in pain or risk their lives because of illness and war", said the director of the Holy See Press Office, Matteo Bruni.
    Indi's life support is set to be imminently turned off after a British judge rejected the umpteenth appeal from her parents.

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