
'Make noise' and focus on migrants, pope tells adolescents

In message for Adolescents' Meeting in Verona

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 24 - Pope Francis on Sunday told teenagers to 'make noise' and focus on migrants in his message to participants in the 50th Adolescents Meeting organised by the diocese of Verona.
    "This morning I had the opportunity to speak to the Pope, who had just returned from Marseilles," said Verona Bishop Domenico Pompili.
    "Telling him about this meeting of ours, I asked if there was a message I could pass on to you," continued the bishop, addressing the nearly 3,800 young people gathered in the Pala Agsm Aim.
    "Tell them to make noise," Pompili cited the pope as saying, adding that he had also asked for attention to focus on the theme of migration, given that Sunday is the World Day for Migrants and Refugees.
    Francis reportedly told the bishop to "tell the girls and boys that this is an epochal problem that must be tackled with great discipline, making sure that those who can be taken in are chosen, but also that no one is kicked out and sent back to the prisons from which all these poor people come". (ANSA).

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