
Pope voices 'closeness' to Orlandi family

I assure mother of my prayers says Francis

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 25 - Pope Francis on Sunday voiced "closeness" to the family of Emanuela Orlandi, a 15-year-old girl who went missing from the Vatican on June 22, 1983, in a sign of solidarity which her relatives had long called for.
    "These days mark the 40th anniversary of the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi. I would like to take advantage of this occasion to express once again my closeness to the family, especially to the mother, and to assure her of my prayers. I extend my remembrance to all the families who feel the pain of a loved one who has died", Francis said in his Angelus blessing.
    Emanuela's brother Pietro had said he would be sorry if the pope did not mention his sister in his Sunday address.

Pope Francis's mentioning Emanuela Orlandi on the anniversary is a positive sign, her brother Pietro told reporters.
    "It was a positive sign, I did not expect it, I think this is a good step forward", said Pietro Orlandi, commenting on Pope Francis' words at the Angelus.

"The Emanuela Orlandi taboo has finally fallen. The Pope has remembered Emanuela Orlandi, the fact of praying is a sign of hope to get to the truth", he said.

    The Vatican has recently pooled resources with Rome prosecutors in a fresh probe into one of Italy's longest-running mysteries, which in the past has seen unproven allegations that mobsters and secret services may have been involved.

Speculation on Orlandi's disappearance, and that of another 15-year-old girl in the same summer of 1983, has been rife over the years. In late November 2018 Rome prosecutors said bones found in an annex to the Vatican's nunciature to Italy did not belong to Emanuela Orlandi or the other girl, Mirella Gregori. The Orlandi case has spawned several theories over the years, including that she was murdered to gain traction to have pope John Paul II's Turkish shooter Mehmet Ali Agca freed, or that organised crime was involved. Ali Agca was questioned in the case. In 2016 investigations into the case were shelved. Six people including a priest were implicated in the investigations on suspicion of complicity in abduction and murder. All but one had links with the Banda della Magliana, a now-defunct crime gang based in Rome. In September 2018 the Vatican described as "false and ridiculous" reports that the Vatican had spent large amounts of money on the case.


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