
Don't forget the poor, Pope tells artists

'You can interpret their silent cry,' adds Francis

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 23 - The poor also need art and beauty and must not be forgotten, Pope Francis told nearly 200 artists from around 30 countries gathered in the Sistine Chapel for the the 50th anniversary of the opening of the modern and contemporary art collection in the Vatican Museums on Friday.
    "I am happy about this meeting with you. But, before saying goodbye, I have one more thing to say to you, which is close to my heart. I would like to ask you not to forget the poor, who are Christ's favourites, in all the ways one is poor today," said the pope.
    "The poor also need art and beauty. Some experience very harsh forms of deprivation in life; therefore, they need it most. They usually have no voice to make themselves heard. You can be the interpreters of their silent cry," added Francis. (ANSA).

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