
Pope slams unworthy lives according to profit criteria

Reiterates plea for vaccines to be given to poor countries

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 18 - Pope Francis said Monday some lives should no longer be considered "unworthy" because they do not correspond to "the criteria of profit".
    Speaking to members of the foundation of Rome's Campus Bio-medico, Francis said "the Foundation and the Campus Bio-Medico, and Catholic health services in general, are called to bear witness with their actions that there are no unworthy lives or ones to be discarded because they do not meet the criterion of the useful of the demands of profit".
    The pope also reiterate a call for COVID vaccines to be distributed freely to poorer countries, "not like pitiful charity".
    He said that "science must be put into the common weal.
    "It is urgent to help the countries that have fewer vaccines, but it must be done with far-sighted plans, not motivated only by the haste of the well-off countries in wanting to be safer".

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