
Sorry so few at living-will debate - CEI

Topic of great interest to so many people

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, March 14 - The secretary-general of the Italian Bishops Conference (CEI), Msgr Nunzio Galantino, on Tuesday told ANSA he was "sorry" so few MPs turned up Monday to debate a living-will bill in the Lower House. "It was sad to see so few people discussing such a delicate topic, which is of great interest to so many people", he said.
    About 20 MPs took part in the debate as the living-will bill arrived on the House floor.
    The recent case of DJ Fabo, a blind and tetraplegic former DJ who committed assisted suicide in a Swiss clinic, has highlighted Italy's lack of legislation on end-of-life issues. The bill, if approved, will enable people to go to a notary, a public official or a doctor to state how they want to be treated regarding decisions about whether to receive treatments, nutrition and artificial hydration.
    Galantino is CEI No.2, behind its president, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco.

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