
Pope says Church 'price lists' are a scandal

Francis warns that charging for baptisms causes scandal

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, November 21 - Pope Francis warned on Friday that the Church cannot be run like a business and said price lists for weddings and baptisms creates scandal.
    During daily Mass at St. Martha's House, the Vatican guest house where Francis lives, the pope referred to the story of Jesus driving the merchants out of the Temple as illustrating the need to keep commerce away from the Church.
    "I think of how our attitude can scandalize people with unpriestly habits in the Temple: the scandal of doing business, the scandal of worldliness," said Francis.
    "How often when we enter a church - even today - do we see a price list hanging there for baptism, blessings, Mass intentions." he said.
    "And people are scandalized".

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