
Tajani wants 2024 Giro d'Italia to start in Ukraine

'Would be sign of our support' says foreign minister

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 2 - Italian Foreign Minister and Deputy Premier Antonio Tajani said Tuesday that he would like to see the first stage of next year's Giro d'Italia to be in Ukraine.
    "The Giro d'Italia is one of our country's greatest sporting events and it touches other countries too," Tajani told an event at the foreign ministry in Rome on cycling's second-biggest stage race, which sometimes has its first stages outside Italy.
    "I would like it to start in Ukraine next year. It would be a sign of attention for a country that we support with great strength.
    "We consider sport to be a foreign-policy instrument," he added at an event called 'The 106th Giro d'Italia: a showcase for Italian know-how'.
    "The whole of 'system Italy' forms our foreign policy by making ties of friendship, solidarity and good neighbourship".
    Rome has staunchly supported Ukraine since Russia's invasion last year, sending military aid to Kyiv and backing Western sanctions on Moscow The 106th Giro starts on Saturday and runs until May 28. (ANSA).

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