
Soccer: Pioli wins 'golden bench' coach-of-year award

Milan coach dedicates prize to whole club setup

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 20 - AC Milan's Stefano Pioli on Monday won Italy's Panchina d'Oro (Golden Bench) coach-of-the-year award for the 2021-22 season after leading his side to the Serie A title last term.
    Pioli won the votes of 33 of his 46 colleagues at a ceremony at the Italian Soccer Federation's Coverciano base near Florence.
    He succeeds Tottenham Hotspur boss Antonio Conte, who had led Inter to the Serie A title the previous season.
    "I'm emotional," said Pioli, who dedicated his prize to his players, backroom staff and the whole setup at Milan.
    "When I see again what we did last year, the emotions come back".
    Milan are currently fourth in Serie A, 18 points behind leaders Napoli. (ANSA).

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