
Soccer: Ex-ref Farina dies at 54 (3)

Reffed 2 Italian Super Cups, 1 European Super Cup

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, May 23 - Top former soccer referee Stefano Farina died at the age of 54 Tuesday. Farina, who reffed 236 Serie A games as well as two Italian Super Cup finals and one European Super Cup final, between Barcelona and Sevilla in 2006, was currently the ref selector for Serie B.
    He also took charge of many top Champions League matches.
    Farina had been ill for some time but media did not report the illness to respect the family's wishes.
    The Italian Soccer Federation (FIGC) said there would be a minute's silence before this weekend's final Serie A matches as a mark of respect for Farina, who left a wife and a son.

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