
Schwazer has little chance of Rio - CONI

CONI calls on IAAF to accelerate procedures

Redazione Ansa

(see related) (ANSA) - Rome, June 23 - Italian Olympic Committee President Giovanni Malagò said Thursday that Alex Schwazer has little chance of being able to take part in the Rio Olympics after failing a doping test. The race walker has disputed the results of the test. "I'm always optimistic, but the (sporting) case law and history suggest things will go in a different direction," Malagò said. The CONI chief also called on the IAAF to accelerate its procedures for the B test of Schwazer's sample. "It would be good if it were possible to accelerate (and have the results) before July 5," Malagò said. "That way we could have some elements to clarify things".

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