
Six-mt jail term for Conte requested

Italy coach on trial over 2011 Albino Leffe-Siena match

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Cremona, April 5 - Cremona prosecutors have requested that Italy coach Antonio Conte be handed a suspended six-month jail term over allegations he is guilty of match-fixing-related offences, ANSA sources said Tuesday. Conte is accused of sporting fraud for allegedly knowing of attempts to fix a match between his former club Siena and AlbinoLeffe in Italy's second tier, Serie B, in 2011, but failing to report them. He denies any wrongdoing. Conte, who is set to take over Chelsea after Euro 2016, has requested a fast-track trial and a ruling is expected by the middle of May. Cremona prosecutors have also requested that Conte be ordered to pay a fine of 8,000 euros.

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