
Meloni lands in Libya for meetings with Dabaiba, Haftar

Italy committed to working with all Libyan actors

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 7 - Premier Giorgia Meloni arrived in Libya on Tuesday for talks with the North African country's rival governments.
    Meloni, accompanied by Ministers Anna Maria Bernini (Higher Education), Orazio Schillaci (Health) and Andrea Abodi (Sport) first landed in Tripoli, where she is meeting the Prime Minister of Libyan Government of National Unity, Abdul Hamid Mohammed Dabaiba, and the President of the Libyan Presidential Council, Mohammed Yunis Ahmed Al-Menfi.
    She is then going to Benghazi, where she is set to meet the leader of the Libyan Arab National Army, General Khalifa Belqasim Haftar, as part of Italy's commitment to working with all Libyan actors.
    Meloni will reiterate Italy's commitment to Libya's stability, including via support for United Nations efforts at mediation for an agreement for presidential and parliamentary elections, Italian premier's office sources said. (ANSA).

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