
I don't understand Toti case says Crosetto

Liguria governor took money for campaign, not himself - minister

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 7 - Defence Minister Guido Crosetto said Tuesday that he was bemused by the probe in which centre-right Ligurian Governor Giovanni Toti was put under house arrest.
    "'I have the habit of reading case documents, and when I read the charges against Toti I didn't quite understand," Crosetto told La7 television.
    "Everyone thinks that a person who has been arrested took money for themselves.
    "But when it turns out that he reported what he took for an election campaign, it becomes difficult to understand how he can be a corrupt person".
    Friuli Venezia Giulia Governor Massimiliano Fedriga, the president of the Conference of Regions, called for "utmost caution" when making evaluations of the case.
    "We are talking about an investigation, not a conviction," said Fedriga.
    "It is extremely dangerous to use every probe that opens like a club because it erodes our country's democracy.
    "It is right that investigations are done if hypotheses of crime are found, but they are hypotheses that must be confirmed by a sentence." (ANSA).

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