
Milan prosecutor asks for trial for Santanchè for fraud

In INPS COVID fund case, minister has said will quit if indicted

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 3 - The Milan Public Prosecutor's Office on Friday requested indictments for Tourism Minister Daniela Santanchè and two other people, including the minister's companion Dimitri Kunz, and two companies in her Visibilia company case strand on alleged aggravated fraud against social security and pensions agency INPS over the management of the COVID redundancy fund during the pandemic.
    Santanchè, 63, a bigwig in Premier Giorgia Meloni's Brothers of Italy (FdI) party, has said she will resign if indicted after recently surviving no-confidence votes in parliament.
    As well as the suspected INPS COVID fund fraud, she is the subject of other probes linked to her former Visibilia publishing empire involving alleged false accounting, alleged fraudulent bankruptcy, and alleged money laundering. (ANSA).

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