
Meloni shd demand Santanché resignation says Schlein

PM should show respect for institutions says PD chief

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 3 - Premier Giorgia Meloni should demand the resignation of Tourism Minister Daniela Santanchè after a Milan prosecutor asked for trial for the bigwig in her Brothers of Italy (FdI) party on suspicion of defrauding social security and pensions agency INPS over COVID redundancy funds, centre-left opposition Democratic Party (PD) leader Elly Schlein said after the prosecutor's request was made known Friday.
    "We expect the Prime Minister to have a minimum of respect for the institutions and ask for Daniela Santanché's resignation," said Schlein.
    Santanchè, 63, has said she will quit if indicted in this or a number of other alleged graft cases linked to her former Visibilia publishing empire's activities. (ANSA).

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