
Ok to just write Giorgia on ballot say int min

PM's controversial move approved by Viminale

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 29 - The interior ministry said Monday it was ok to just write the first name of the Italian premier, Giorgia Meloni, on European election ballot papers on June 8-9 as the premier has controversially proposed, distributing leaflets with 'Vote Giorgia' on, spurring opposition ire.
    Just writing the name 'Giorgia' on the ballot paper for the upcoming European elections - as Prime Minister Meloni called on people to do Sunday - does not invalidate the vote, said Viminale sources.
    In the manual of indications for polling station presidents produced by the Ministry of the Interior on the occasion of the consultations, one of the cases of valid vote is in fact that which sees the preference for the candidate assigned 'using identifying expressions such as diminutives or nicknames, previously communicated to voters, as a way of expressing preference that can be used by any voter. The vote is valid,' it goes on to say, 'provided that the actual will of the voter can be inferred'. (ANSA).

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