
Proposal to limit journalists on Rai pre-election talk shows

IV's Boschi says reporters can have same impact as politicians

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 3 - Maria Elena Boschi, a lawmaker for the centrist, opposition Italia Viva (IV) party, on Wednesday presented a proposal to regulate or limit the presence of journalists on State broadcaster Rai's programmes in the 'par condicio' period before elections when networks are obliged to give each political party an appropriate level of airtime and visibility.
    Former reform minister Boschi told the parliamentary commission overseeing Rai that "the presence of a journalist who takes part in a (televised) debate risks having a similar effect to that of a politician".
    Giacomo Lasorella, the president of communications authority Agcom, said the evaluation of such appearances would have to be done on a "case-by-case" basis. (ANSA).

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