
Indirectly or directly, Navalny was killed says Tajani

Death can be caused with detention incompatible with life - min

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 20 - Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said Tuesday that there was no doubt that Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny had been killed in custody, the only question is whether it was directly or indirectly.
    "We don't know if he was killed by a killer, but the death of a person can also be caused with a detention that is incompatible with life and this happened," Tajani said.
    "He was in a gulag, like the ones used by the Soviet Union, in a region of Russia where the climate is unlivable.
    "I don't know what happened, it's true that we need to ascertain the truth.
    "But if Navalny's death was not caused directly, it was caused indirectly".
    (see related story on Salvini). (ANSA).

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