
Govt strike injunctions attack on freedom - CGIL's Landini

Salvini says he'll do everything law allows to stop disruption

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 27 - CGIL leader Maurizio Landini said Monday that the government's recent injunctions limiting strikes called by trade unions were an attack on freedom.
    The CGIL and the UIL union are challenging Transport Minister Matteo Salvini's decision to issue an injunction limiting a 24-hour general strike they had called earlier this month, in order to protest against the government's 2024 budget bill, to four hours in the transport sector.
    "We have challenged the injunction with Uil because it is authoritarian and undemocratic," Landini said on a march in Cagliari during a four-hour in Sardinia as part of a series of protests against the budget.
    "It had never happened in the democratic history of this country that a government thought that it could infringe the right to strike, which does not belong to trade union organisations but to individual persons.
    "Attacking it amounts to limiting people's freedom".
    Grassroots unions belonging to the USB association, meanwhile, have postponed a 24-hour public transport strike called for Monday until December 15 so that they can challenge a separate Salvini's injunction limiting their protest.
    Salvini, however, said Monday that he has no intention of change approach.
    "I will continue to guarantee the right to strike because it is in the Constitution," he said.
    "But I am thinking about the other strike called for Friday, December 15, in the run-up to Christmas.
    "I will do everything the law allows me to do to minimize disruption.
    "If anyone thinks the can leave 20 million Italians stranded for demands that are frequently political and not-union-related, I will do everything the law allows me to do (to stop it)".

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