
Lollobrigida says train stop open to all

Did not lead to any further disruption says minister

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 22 - Farm Minister Francesco Lollobrigida, accused of making an extremely late high-speed train stop for his personal use Tuesday, on Wednesday said the unscheduled stop at Ciampino in Rome had been open to all the passengers aboard and not just him.
    "The train stopped at Ciampino, where an extraordinary stop was made available for everyone to disembark, as per the announcement made on the train, and not just for me as some have reported", he said.
    He added that Trenitalia rail company had already said that "the Ciampino stop did not entail any additional disruption or costs of any kind, nor any risk or further delay for anyone." He reiterated that "it was an extraordinary stop that, when extraordinary cases occur, Trenitalia usually makes and that was announced and available to all passengers." (ANSA).

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