
Hope to get Italians out of Gaza on Monday - Tajani

Minister says 10-12 Italians in the enclave

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 16 - Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said that the government hopes to get the 10 to 12 Italians who had been living in the Gaza Strip out of the enclave on Monday after the outbreak of war between Hamas and Israel.
    "Above all, we have to prevent Italians being involved in this war," Tajani told Rai radio.
    "That is why we repatriated the highest possible number of the pilgrims and tourists who were in Israel, over 1,000".
    Three Italian-Israelis are missing after Hamas's attacks on Israel and it is suspected that they are among the hostages being held by the Islamist group.
    "Our priority is to rescue the hostages," Tajani said.
    "Today the Premier (Giorgia Meloni) and I will meet the King of Jordan and his foreign minister "We are doing everything we can via the Arab countries to ensure that a message reaches Hamas for of the release of the hostages.
    "There are three Italians who are probably hostages of Hamas or other parallel organizations, a married couple and a young man who participated in a rave.
    "But naturally we are working to free all the hostages through our diplomacy". (ANSA).

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