
Napolitano: Dedicated life to democracy - King Charles III

'I learned of his death with great sadness'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 24 - The late two-time former president Giorgio Napolitano was a devoted servant of the State who dedicated his life and career to the promotion of democracy, said King Charles III in a message to President Sergio Mattarella on Sunday.
    "Dear Mr President, I have learned of President Napolitano's death with great sadness. He was a devoted servant of the State who dedicated his life and career to the promotion of democracy," read the message.
    "I remember with great affection our meeting during my visit to Rome in 2009 and, in particular, the friendship that existed between President Napolitano and my mother, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II," continued the king.
    "My thoughts and prayers are with President Napolitano's family and the Italian people at this time," he added. (ANSA).

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