
Borrell, Left working against migrant solutions - Meloni

High representative sent letter critical of Tunisia MOU

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 18 - Premier Giorgia Meloni accused EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell and parties of the Left in Italy and the rest of Europe of working against solutions to stop the arrival of large numbers of migrants during a cabinet meeting on Monday, sources said.
    The reference to Borrell is linked to a letter he reportedly sent on September 7 to Enlargement Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi criticising the adoption of a Memorandum of Understanding with Tunisia for cooperation in stemming the flow of migrants from the coast of the North African country.
    Meloni was instrumental in bringing about the agreement.
    "I am sorry to see some Italian and European political parties are rowing in the opposite direction and doing everything they can to dismantle the work that is being done because of ideological reasons or, worse still, political calculations," Meloni said, accoding to the sources.
    "I am referring to the letter of the High Representative for European Foreign Policy Borrell, to the appeals made by the European Socialists, and to the positions taken by various members of the Left (against the MOU).
    "All these actions go in the same direction, trying to argue that no North African country is a safe State with which it is possible to agree to stop departures or to repatriate illegal immigrants.
    "Basically, the European Left wants to make mass illegal immigration unavoidable'. (ANSA).

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