
Spain vote shows that 'black wave' can be halted - Schlein

Real losers are extreme right Vox, says Democratic Party leader

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 24 - The results of Spain's general election on Sunday show that the 'black wave' of far-right nationalism can be halted, centre-left opposition Democratic Party (Pd) leader Elly Schlein said on Monday.
    "The election results reward the courage of Pedro Sanchez and his team and overturn an outcome that appeared already decided," said Schlein in a social media post.
    "The real losers with an implacable verdict are the extreme right-wing nationalists of Vox," she added of the party that is a member of the European Parliament's European Conservatives and Reformists caucus led by italian Premier Giorgia Meloni.
    "It is proof that the 'black wave' can be halted when the aim is not to feed fears but to resolve people's concrete problems: lifting the minimum wage and reducing temporary contracts, tackling the climate emergency seriously, limiting the effects of high energy prices and inflation on businesses and the poor," she concluded.
    Vox made a disappointing showing in the Spanish general election Sunday.
    In the election, the centre-right People's Party failed to get enough votes to form an expected government alliance with Vox, whose own vote fell significantly.
    Spain's centre-left Premier Pedro Sanchez may be able to form a government with left-wing and regionalist parties, with the thinnest of majorities, or another snap general election may be called. (ANSA).

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