
Salvini calls for 'definitive peace' with taxpayers

Millions held hostage by inland revenue says deputy premier

Redazione Ansa

(See related) (ANSA) - ROME, JUL 15 - Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini said Saturday that the Italian State's relationship with taxpayers must be overhauled to make it less confrontational.
    He called for a "great, definitive fiscal peace" to liberate "millions of Italians who have been held hostage for too many years by the inland revenue agency".
    The government is trying to install a 'fiscal peace' with taxpayers to end the current situation in which the authorities have a huge backlog tax disputes with millions of people worth many billion euros, much of which is unlikely to ever be collected.
    Opposition parties have criticised this approach, saying it risks helping tax evaders.
    "As fare as I'm concerned, you can put total tax evaders in jail and throw away the key," Salvini said.
    "But if it's someone who has a problem up to 30,000 euros that they've had for years, let's end it.
    "We'll ask them for a part of it and write off the rest".

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