
Salvini appeals for 'sense' over strikes

Minister warns that he is ready to intervene

Redazione Ansa

(see related) (ANSA) - MATERA, JUL 15 - Transport and Infrastructure Minister and Deputy Premier Matteo Salvini appealled to trade unions to show "good sense" as travellers faced more disruption on Saturday due to an air-transport strike after Thursday's rail strike.
    He also said he was ready to intervene again after he ordered that the duration of Thursday's rail strike be cut in half.
    "Don't any of the trade unionists think they might be harming Italy and millions or workers?" Salvini said during a visit to Matera.
    "We either have a return to good sense or I'll do what I did to stop the chaos in the train stations.
    "No one wants to cancel the right to strike, but it should be done without harming millions of other workers and tourists".

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