
Opposition of a few judges mustn't stop reforms -Salvini

Justice reform is urgent says Deputy Premier

Redazione Ansa

(see related) (ANSA) - ROME, JUL 15 - Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini said Saturday that the opposition of a limited number of magistrates must not be allowed to block the government's justice reforms.
    He said there "must be no taboos" over this issue.
    "Justice reform is urgent because the Italians need it," he said.
    "We want to pass it quickly without excluding anyone.
    "That means listening to everyone and involving everyone.
    "Faster justice is good for the magistrates too". Magistrates union ANM has blasted the government's plans to separate the careers of Italian prosecutors and judges, so that it is no longer possible to switch from one role to the other.
    It has also criticised a justice-reform bill that seeks to abolish the crime of abuse of office, change the felony of influence peddling, clamp down on the publication of information obtained from wiretaps and the cancel prosecutors' rights to appeal against acquittals for many minor crimes. (ANSA).

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