
Under-fire Santanchè says she's happy to report to Senate

Calls for tourism minister to quit over business interests

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 1 - Under-fire Tourism Minister Daniela Santanché said Saturday that she was happy to report to the Senate next week to respond to allegations about her business interests that have led opposition parties to call on her to quit.
    According to Rai investigative journalism show Report, Santanché ran businesses that allegedly failed to pay suppliers and allegedly dismissed workers without giving them redundancy payments that were due to them.
    Her business have also been accused of improperly receiving COVID aid.
    "I have no embarrassment of any kind about the Report investigation," said Santanché, a member of Premier Giorgia Meloni's right-wing Brothers of Italy (FdI) party.
    "I'll go to the Senate on Wednesday and respond to everything with tranquillity.
    "I'm not doing so because they asked me to but because I want to defend my honour, my experience as an entrepreneur.
    "I'm very happy to go.
    "I'm happy to go and say everything that has to be said.
    "If others intervene I'll response to everything without any problems, addressing things in first person, as I have always done in the 23 years I have been in politics". (ANSA).

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